Monday, February 21, 2011


As a writer I have learned that my best writing comes from personal experiences. And, if I’m going to share my personal experiences, then I have to be honest with myself in order to be honest with my audience. As with anybody, my personal life is very personal to me. I’ve experienced plenty of things that I would prefer not to share with familiar faces let alone the unfamiliar. My experiences have shaped my behavior and my way of thinking. At 35 years old I am just now beginning to accept and embrace who I am. And, I make no excuses for it. I love myself and I am unable and unwilling to change the things that define me.

I am now what I never was in my twenties—self-aware and very conscious of my feelings. I owe this of course to the countless mistakes made during that time. Mistakes that resulted in consequences—some serious, some not so serious—that were ultimately caused by poor decision making all around. Friendships that were lost, careers that slipped away, relationships that eluded me or lingered on for way too long. These experiences have made me who I am today; and although I may bear some regret, I can’t see living my life any differently.

This is My Sincere Self Revealed—reflections, recollections and observations. Love her as I do.

Forgive me…I’m blushing

And I hadn’t even noticed until just now.
That slight grin that forces my cheekbones up high and reveals that one dimple on the left
That rush of energy that fills my entire body and exposes my vulnerability
Therefore opening myself up to you

Forgive me…I’m blushing

And that doesn’t happen often.
It’s like exhaling for the very first time
Like looking at you looking at me and not having any idea what’s going on around us
Like the anticipation of a kiss and the exact moment my lips meet yours and I melt 
Therefore opening myself up to you

Forgive me…I’m blushing

And if you knew what I was thinking, you’d be blushing too.
Your kisses trailing my neck.
Your hands wandering freely and purposefully because every spot you touch elicits more pleasure than the last
Making it so that I can’t stop blushing.
And I owe it all to you.
See, this is the very beginning—once I blush, I only really blush for you.