Monday, February 21, 2011


As a writer I have learned that my best writing comes from personal experiences. And, if I’m going to share my personal experiences, then I have to be honest with myself in order to be honest with my audience. As with anybody, my personal life is very personal to me. I’ve experienced plenty of things that I would prefer not to share with familiar faces let alone the unfamiliar. My experiences have shaped my behavior and my way of thinking. At 35 years old I am just now beginning to accept and embrace who I am. And, I make no excuses for it. I love myself and I am unable and unwilling to change the things that define me.

I am now what I never was in my twenties—self-aware and very conscious of my feelings. I owe this of course to the countless mistakes made during that time. Mistakes that resulted in consequences—some serious, some not so serious—that were ultimately caused by poor decision making all around. Friendships that were lost, careers that slipped away, relationships that eluded me or lingered on for way too long. These experiences have made me who I am today; and although I may bear some regret, I can’t see living my life any differently.

This is My Sincere Self Revealed—reflections, recollections and observations. Love her as I do.


  1. I sear we are so cut from the same cloth. I love you girlie. Hit me up and see what I mean. (i think that's the link, if not put an underscore between the s and the l LMAO)

  2. Learned a bit more about you today - thanks for sharing. You speak-a di truth sistrin... at this point in ones existence, hopefully we've figured out a couple of things and are confident in our forward movements. I accept and appreci-luv ya.
